Project ICARUS – Schäuffelhut Berger presents the User-Data-Center
Since 01.07.2016 we have been working together with the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology on „Project Icarus“, which is funded by DLR (German Aerospace Center).
The aim of Project Icarus (International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space) is to observe the global migration of small animals through a satellite system.
The Schäuffelhut Berger team is responsible for processing, displaying and evaluating all transmitter data made available to research.
ICARUS consists of a remote sensing platform on the International Space Station (ISS), the receiver-transmitter unit on the animal being studied, and the computer centre. The receiver-transmitter units are mounted to animals selected by the researchers, and the GPS receivers determine the position of the animals. The data can then be retrieved from the remote sensing platform on the ISS. Once received on the ISS, the data are forwarded to the Mission Control Center and from there sent to the data center. The researchers can retrieve the data from the Movebank database. In addition, the researchers can use a mobile device to retrieve the data from the animals (receiver-transmitter unit) on site.
ICARUS and Movebank at the Biologging Symposium 2017 in Constance, Germany
Scientists present the latest methods and results from wildlife studies. The movement behaviour of the animals is recorded using small GPS transmitters. With the Movebank database, the movements can be documented and evaluated. Schäuffelhut Berger presented a progress report toward these endeavors.
Learn more about our collaborative work on Movebank and ICARUS:
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