Sample projects
Firetail provides several sample projects that are featured in the Movebank project. These projects will be shown right after the first start of Firetail.
Loading a sample project
The datasets shown are associated to studies available for free from the Movebank homepage. We provide the abstract, author list, links to the publication homepage, links to the original data source, and some basic information on each study on roll-over.
Click on a project to download and open it.
Note: The sample projects are not subject to your current license limitations.
Warning: for versions without a license: the time limit may interrupt the download of larger projects
Location of sample projects
Sample projects will be saved into this directory by default and will persist unless you choose to remove them when uninstalling Firetail
~/.local/share/Schaeuffelhut Berger GmbH/Firetail/sample-projects
C:\Users\${USER}\AppData\Local\Schaeuffelhut Berger GmbH\Firetail\sample-projects
/Users/${USER}/Library/Application Support/Schaeuffelhut Berger GmbH/Firetail/sample-projects
Remove and backup old sample projects
You may have experimented with the sample projects provided with firetail in terms of overlays, reference data and more. Therefore, Firetail does not automatically remove old sample projects. If a sample project seems broken or does not load properly try to remove it from the sample projects folder (see section Location of sample projects). It should be as simple as deleting a (sometimes hidden) folder.
To backup a sample project, navigate to its folder using your system file manager and copy it to your personal folder.
Naming convention: sample projects are prefixed by the first three letters of the first three authors of the study plus the year of publication.
Versioning of sample projects
As of Release 4 sample projects are versioned. Firetail will offer to overwrite outdated sample projects, e.g. version 4 projects may now include acceleration data for projects from the movebank data repository. CAVEAT: This may delete annotation data and other custom data within these folders.